3 Ways to Tell If Your Cat is Sick


There is no better way to describe a sick cat than to say that we are all wired differently in terms of how we perceive things, especially subtle things. Cats are experts at masking their own misery. We've supplied various ways to determine whether your cat is ill so that you can see past its thick exterior in any circumstance. These techniques can be applied singly or in combination.

1. Changes in Physical Appearance and Behavior

This is the initial action. Know your cat by name? Your cat's personality, hobbies, likes, and dislikes should be known to you. If you see any changes in her behavior or physical appearance, realize that those are frequently the earliest and most obvious symptoms of a sick cat. These are a few of them:

Sleeping Patterns: If your beloved fuzzy friend's sleep pattern varies, there may be a medical reason behind it. Given that cats sleep for an average of 18 hours per day, changes in sleeping habits are frequently the first indications of a sick cat. Whether or not additional symptoms are present, a cat who sleeps much less or more than normal should be taken to the vet.
Cats are habit-forming creatures. It could be a warning indicator if your cat starts to use the litter box more frequently than normal. Diarrhea is an obvious symptom. On the other hand, if you observe that her litter is still fresh and untouched after a few days, she might have a blockage or be constipated. If she starts to urinate or poop outside of the litter box, that's another red flag. This one is tricky; she can be acting in that manner as a result of improper litter box cleaning. If you have done a good job of cleaning, but she is still urinating outside of the litter box, take her in for an examination. Urinary tract issues are sometimes a problem for cats.
Appetite: Either eating too much or too little is unacceptable. An underlying medical problem may be the root of overeating. A thyroid issue can be to blame. Your cat may be undereating due of various illnesses or because of pain. You should be concerned if your cat starts acting in any of these ways. The general rule is to get your cat to the vet as soon as possible if she hasn't eaten in 24 hours. It is advised that you weigh your cat once a week to be alert to any unexpected weight reduction.
Dehydration: Your cat may be showing signs of dehydration if it suddenly becomes lethargic.If the skin does not fall back into place when you lift it with your fingertips, she is dehydrated. Please consult a veterinarian because it could be any ailment. Likewise, consuming an excessive amount of water. An infection, diabetes, or kidney problems are all linked to excessive thirst.
Coat: The majority of cats have sleek, lustrous coats. There's a problem when their coat gets matted or dull. Cats take their time grooming themselves, with the exception of when they are ill and lack the stamina to do so. In certain circumstances, bald patches on the coat may be the result of overgrooming. It can be a flea infestation, anxiousness, or an infection of some kind.

2. Searching for Symptoms

After using the first way to determine if something is wrong with your feline companion, you will typically use the second method. Although the warning signs are clear, you want to confirm what you have long suspected: that your cat is ill. You might wish to do this in advance of your appointment so that you have information to share with the doctor and assist them diagnose your cat's ailment swiftly. Here are some signs to look out for:
- Look for Abnormalities While Grooming: If you pay attention while grooming your cat, abnormalities like lesions, tumors, or lumps should become apparent. It can be a symptom of something dangerous if what you discover is painful, discharges pus, or smells. Let the veterinarian examine it.
- Examine Your Breath for Bad Breath and Breathing Issues: Your cat's breath should be normal—not sweet and minty, but also not bad and rotten. The latter could indicate an infection or the onset of periodontal disease if the former is the case. Make an appointment for your cat to visit the dentist if the problem with foul breath persists despite you brushing its teeth at least once a week. It is important to take respiratory issues seriously if your cat is using her mouth to breathe or is exerting a lot of effort just to breathe, causing her stomach muscles to heave. Breathing that is labored is not a good sign.
- Determine Her Activity Level: If your senior cat, who has been sluggish and laid back due to age, suddenly gets active, you should have her examined by a veterinarian because it could be a thyroid issue. You should also examine the cat if it was an active young cat before she started to get weak and less active. It can be a symptom of arthritis or another disease. Cats' activity levels don't fluctuate irrationally without a cause unless her surroundings, lifestyle, or diet has changed.

3.Specific Illness Manifestations

So that you can respond immediately if you chance to detect any, you should become familiar with the signs of ailments and diseases that are frequent in cats. The following list of common illnesses and the symptoms they exhibit:

It is a group of diseases that have multiple causes. It can affect both male and female cats. It usually affects cats who are stressed, overweight, or those who eat dry foods. FLUTD symptoms include:

  • Bloody urine
  • Urinating accidents
  • Crying while passing out urine
  • Straining to urinate—taking a long time in the litter box
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Excessive licking of genitals
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feline diabetes

Quick Tips to Care for a Sick Cat

The best course of action is to visit the clinic or at the very least contact the veterinarian and receive professional guidance on what to do if you observe any of the symptoms outlined in this article using any or all of the ways mentioned above. Here are some broad suggestions that may assist your cat and lessen her suffering if, for any reason, you are unable to contact your veterinarian:

Before taking any action, be cool and assess the situation.
If your cat is in discomfort, approach them cautiously and gently since they might become hostile
Never administer human medications to cats.
Handle your cat carefully and gently if she is having trouble breathing. Keep her warm and converse with her in a calming manner.

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